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Monday, September 30, 2013

Health Insurance After Weight Loss Surgery - Is it Possible?

Gastric bypass surgery and insurance AFTER the surgery is a question that a friend of mine had to have answered and the answer was one that was not a good one. He had gastric bypass surgery on his spouse's insurance and since then he has had a divorce. Since he is a private contractor he needed to go out and get some personal health insurance. He tried at many different places and he was turned down each and every time. This denial of health insurance was not something anyone ever mentioned and now he has a problem with no solution.

As of now he is ready to give up and accept the fact that as an individual he will not be able to be eligible for individual health insurance. He is so much healthier because of the weight loss surgery yet he is finding it impossible to receive individual health insurance.

This may be something worth factoring into your decision to have weight loss surgery. It is one that we have not been able to research on the web because ALL search results only provide information about coverage BEFORE the surgery.

If you are considering weight loss surgery then you need to ask questions about how your eligibility for health insurance will be affected two, three or ten years down the road. How will your eligibility be affected if you change insurers? We hope you ask, before you decide because gastric bypass surgery is irreversible and the decision is for the rest of your forever. All we ask here is that you consider what your health insurance options will be like as you age and the situations in your life chance.

Ask your doctor before you decide so you will not be left uninsured.

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Weight Loss Tips Of The Day

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

For More Related Topics Blog: Diets That Work Fast

4 Every Day Weight Loss Exercises You Can Fit in Your Busy Life Right Now

Do you want to lose weight fast? Do you know how to exactly do it? A diet alone will not help you lose weight and return the body of your younger years. You will need to exercise. Here are 4 every day weight loss exercises you can fit in your busy life right now.


Walking is a weight loss exercise you can use right now. It is some you do everything so why not use it to your advantage? However, it is important for you to know that the more walking you do the better. Try to aim for 30 minutes every day. Avoid using the car, train, bus or elevator unless you have to. You build your stamina levels and you lose weight as well in the process.


This is an excellent aerobic exercise. If you do not have a skipping rope handy, get one from your daughter. Make sure you skip at least 100 times daily. If you do this every day, you will burn those calories in no time. Just make sure you watch what you eat in the process. Skipping is an every day weight loss exercise that can easily fit into your busy life.


This exercise helps in building your leg muscles. They are hard to do but are very effective. Do not be embarrassed when you can do only 2 or 3. Just make sure you increase the number that you do to show that you are progressing.


You can use your stairs for this one. Stepping up and then down will help you in that quest of losing weight. Try to do 2 sets of 40 steps every day. You can also buy safety mats to avoid any accidents that might arise.

These exercises come in handy and take only a few minutes out of your busy day. The key is to make sure you sacrifice some of your busy time and do these exercises. You will see results in no time. Walking, skipping, squats and step-ups are 4 every day weight loss exercises you can fit into your busy life right now. Get started!

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Free Weight Loss Plans That Really Work

For those that are looking for free weight loss plans, after are overweight, often need to trim down for a ton of reasons, some related to health, others having to do with looks. That's the reason why the same diet that you pal might swear by may not work quite as well for you. Basically, having a look at it logically, this is barely surprising everybody's metabolism and, even just as significantly, everybody's habits are dissimilar. That's the reason why it is smart to have a diet and weight loss plan designed in particular for you. To be ready to achieve success in achieving something, make sure that your goals are clear and if feasible write them down in a book. This can be your contract that may always serve as a reminder for you to persist and work conscientiously in attaining your goals.

There are a few reasons why you must follow a natural weight loss regime and not become overweight, according to pros. A better approach could be to work around the behavior that is impeding your weight loss.

There are some low fat, fruit based puddings that you may have without destroying your diet, or if you crave a corrupt pudding, you can cut calories some place else or up your exercise to make up for it. An average meal like this would be a jacket potato with veggies and some lean beef, which would be healthy and give the balance you need. When you get a diet book, though , probabilities are that you'll study an one-size-fits-all sort of dieting. This suggests that the food you want to eat and activities you should do will change from time to time. Having a support group will significantly help in easily dealing with a changing lifestyle. Don't simply pick a program because of it guarantee that you can lose more pounds in just a couple of days. But select one which is effective for you to have a healthy way of life and you are capable of having for a long term basis.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Weight Loss At Home

How to Find a Decent Weight Loss Program

Basic and free diet plan information is easy to come by - but you need to look at the types of programs by group - so high protein or low carb, high fibre or calorie counting. Make sure you have the latest details to hand when choosing your diet. This is normally due to the normal consequence of a low fat and low calorie diet which is hunger.

The ability to tolerate hunger for short periods of time varies among people. When looking for a diet plan paid for or free you will also need to have at hand a list of fat burning foods along with a good selection of free recipes and advice on weight training, some plans from the internet will mainly give you one or the other try to make sure that your free diet info contains all the diet information you need.

Finding a good diet site is not easy so take your time. Try to find one with a good nutritional guide, and effective weight loss methods. These methods should include an exercise program that you can handle and would stick to, try not to over reach.

Try to find a system that will support you from day one and might even be enjoyable, look for the reviews don't get sucked by the ones on the website you are looking at, do the research and make sure that the facts stack up.

Remember this will not happen overnight, be patient, be flexible if you become to regimented you will become bored and fail, most people who start diets give up after two weeks.

Good luck

For More Related Topics Blog: Dotties Weightloss Zone

Friday, September 27, 2013

5 Steps to Weight Loss Success

1. Step one: define what you specifically want. What do you want to accomplish with your weight loss? What do you want to happen? What results do you want? Really give this some thought.

2. Step two: your goal. What is your ultimate goal when it comes to you and losing weight? What is it you want to achieve? What specific steps will have to be achieved to accomplish this? What current strengths can you apply that will ensure the successful completion of your goals? Goal setting is very important when it comes to weight loss. You really can't achieve weight loss without it.

3. Step three: knowing your reasons. What are the reasons you want to lose weight? Is it for you or for someone else? What is driving you? Do you really intend to make this happen? Your reasons need to be strong enough so that you can keep going until you reach your goal weight/size.

4. Step four: your vision. Close your eyes and see yourself at your goal size/weight? How does this make you feel? Don't you want this to be reality? Hold this vision in your mind throughout the day. Use this vision when you feel unmotivated or you want to give-up.

5. Step five: figuring out your road blocks. What is the real issue, problem or challenge that is preventing me from moving forward? These are questions you must answer in order to move forward.

These are some of the beginning steps you need to put into place right now to get started with your weight loss journey. There are more steps and other things you need to do and that will be covered in a future article. I hope this helped you to put things in perspective and get started.

6-Minute Circuit for Weight Loss

Circuit training helps you with your weight loss. With this exercise routine, you don't need cardio for fat loss.

You can eliminate cardio from your weight loss program. One thing we have to lose from our workout mindsets is the idea of this "60-minute workout". Forget about spending that much time in the gym. Instead, choose better exercises that are more efficient. This will allow you to get your workout done faster, eliminating the "no time" workout excuse.

The secret of circuit training is efficiency. You can get a lot done with only a little work. The trick is knowing which exercises are best. And because I've spent thousands of hours in the gym, in my workouts and with others, I have a pretty good idea which ones are best and which ones are a waste of time.

And lately, I've been spending a lot of time doing bodyweight exercises so that I can show you the best, most efficient way to get a great fat loss workout without requiring fancy, expensive gym equipment.

You can get more results from any push-up variation that is in my manual (a no-cost exercise) than you would from a single-arm cable crossover performed on a fancy $5000 gym machine.

Okay, do each exercise for 10 reps, resting 15 seconds between exercises. Go slow and controlled through each exercise except for the jumping jacks. It will take you about 6 minutes to get through the circuit once. You can repeat the circuit up to 4 times if you have more time to exercise.

Exercise 1 - Bodyweight Squats

Exercise 2 - Plank (hold for 45 seconds)

Exercise 3 - Split squats (5 reps per side)

Exercise 4 - Pushups

Exercise 5 - Side plank (hold for 20 seconds per side)

Exercise 6 - 45 seconds of jumping jacks

You can do this circuit every day if you only do it once. If you do it 3-4 times, take a day off between workouts, but stay active with other activities.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Colon Cleanse For Weight Loss - A Simple Colon Cleanse For Weight Loss

Have you been thinking of a colon cleans for quite some time but haven't been able to decide which is the best method that you handle and decide upon one where the results are faster and proven to work effectively? Then it is time that you read the following to find out about one effective colon cleanse method that is guaranteed to help you lose weight easily in just a few days.

Things You Need

2 Large Grapefruits - to make 4 glasses of juice

Can You Lose Weight In A Week

I read a press release about a weight loss surgery practice in San Antonio, Texas. The article was short and interesting, but in the end, all I could think was these doctors are completely missing the point.

New Dimensions Weight Loss Surgery

The article was about New Dimensions Weight Loss Surgery, a surgical practice that specializes in bariatric surgery. The practice has recently begun to offer the new REALIZE Personalized Banding Solution.

The new REALIZE Personalized Banding Solution is a two part "solution" to weight loss. The first part is the surgery which consists of a surgeon implanting an adjustable gastric band. The second part is the support system, which is designed to motivate and provide support.

Weight Loss Surgery

I am not a fan of weight loss surgery. People gain weight because of their brain and not their stomach. So, people will only lose weight when the issues in their brain are addressed. The key to permanent weight loss is behavior change.

Weight loss surgeries simply force you to eat less. The surgeries do not address the behavior change necessary to lose weight. They are a quick fix to a problem that cannot be solved with quick fixes. There are also many side effects and adverse events that are associated with these surgeries.

The REALIZE mySUCCESS patient support system

I am turned off by the weight loss surgery component of the REALIZE Personalized Banding Solution. However, I love the support component. The support system helps the patient change their lifestyle. It is designed to help the patient keep off the weight that they have lost.

If these surgeons were not so interested in making money, they would have realized that they could use the support system to help their patients lose weight also. This would be cheaper and safer for the patient. The weight loss would not occur as quickly, but it would be permanent.

You do not need surgery to lose weight. You need to change your behavior. Instead of "going under the knife", find or create a support system to help you lose and keep off the weight.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Has Your Body Become Resistant to Weight Loss? Use the Jump Start Method to Start Losing Weight

Has your body become resistant to weight loss, then read the rest of this article. I am going to show you how to use the jump start method to start losing weight again. The problem that many people face is that years of poor eating and being overweight have turned their bodies into poor losers. By taking just a couple of minutes to read this article you will learn how to jump start your diet in just 2 weeks.

Resistant To Weight Loss Jump Start

1. Eat carbs early, not late. Finish eating carbohydrates by lunchtime. This takes away the body's main source of energy and forces it to burn body fat for energy. Plus it helps your body flush out excess water weight that it is holding.

2. Replace the refined carbs with whole grains. For the next 2 weeks the carbs you do eat in the morning hours need to be whole grains and fruit. Refined carbs break down too quickly causing an insulin spike which can temporarily stop fat loss.

3. Eat protein with every meal. Protein helps regulate your appetite and keeps your blood sugar steady helping with fat burning.

4. Drink water and non-calorie drinks. Think water first which is needed by your body for a smooth running metabolism but you can have coffee, tea and diet drinks.

5. No alcohol. This adds sugar and carbohydrates to your day with little nutrition given back in return.

If your body has become resistant to weight loss, then this jump start method is just what you need to get losing again.

How Can Herbalife Assist in Weight Loss ?

A balanced nutrition plan is essential for providing our bodies with the nutrients required to make them function properly. Unfortunately with today's busy lifestyles and the common use of convenience and fast foods we often miss out on necessary nutrients. Processed food has often lost its nutritional content by the time we eat it.

With over 26 years in the nutrition and wellness industry Herbalife has an acute understanding of nutritional needs. What we need as individuals to reach our optimum levels of health.

The Herbalife weight loss programmes were designed to help the body perform the way it should. It doesn't focus on restricting calories, it focuses on giving into the body's needs, its minimum requirements.

An intelligent nutrition plan should provide balanced levels of energy, vitamins, minerals, good carbohydrates, plant based protein, healthy fats, beneficial fibre, herbs and antioxidants. This concept involves eating a variety of foods all in moderation.

The Herbalife core weight loss programme itself consists of three components:-

Formula 1 Meal Replacement Shake Powder.

Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex.

Formula 3 Personalised Protein Powder

Formula 1 shake powder is high in key vitamins and minerals to help achieve recommended daily amounts. It is made up with Soya or semi skimmed milk for added calcium and is less than 220 calories per shake. It is also available in six different flavours.

The personalised protein powder is added to the meal replacement shake and helps as a hunger suppressant. It contains soy protein which can help to reduce blood cholesterol. It helps to build and maintain lean muscle, increasing metabolism, so the body can burn more fat. It can also be personalised to suit your individual intake.

The multivitamin complex contains beneficial antioxidants to help fight free radicals. It contains folic acid essential for the growth and repair of cells. In all, over 20 essential vitamins and minerals, which could be taken on its own by anyone for overall good health.

The three products combined allows the body to work as it should and perform better in most cases. Giving the body what it needs will prevent snack and junk food cravings. The body will feel fuller for longer in a natural way making weight loss almost effortless using this programme.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Pill - Not a Good Shortcut

Doesn't it seem like just yesterday that you were unpacking all your cold weather sweaters and getting ready to bundle up for winter? Well, winter is coming to a close and swimsuit weather is almost here. For people with great bodies, this is a welcome time of year. For the rest of us, we shudder at the thought of seeing ourselves in anything less than a woolly sweater and jeans.

What this means to me is it is time to get back on a diet. This time of year is always the time when I start looking for a fast weight loss pill that help me get rid of all that weight I put on over the holidays. Actually, I didn't put it on over the holidays - it took all year to put it on - but that is the excuse I will use!

Finding a fast weight loss pill can be somewhat perplexing. This year, I started by doing without the pills and instead going to Fat Loss 4 Idiots to learn about various diet and nutritional plans. I am always looking for good diet advice.

Did I learn something new? You bet! I learned that a fast weight loss pill, no matter how critically acclaimed, shouldn't be left to do the job of making one slim. It takes more than a pill to make a long-term change to your body. We all already know, from years of schooling, that in order to lose weight, we need to reduce the amount of food we eat, and increase our level of activity. Whether that means going for a ten-mile run or just taking the stairs instead of the elevator, it really depends on the person. But, without more exercise and less eating (and better quality nutrition!), no weight loss plan will keep the weight off long-term.

How Does Nutritional Cleansing Helps in the Weight Loss?

It has become an obsession to lose weight. While there are many obese people in our nation, the majority of them are hesitant to adapt to a strict weight loss program. Many are expecting a magic-pill to help them lose weight.

The fundamental reason behind this drastic increase in weight is the stress involved in the lifestyles, polluted and toxic environment, harmful processed food, destructive diet patterns, and that we tend to spend our lives in the car or small offices with air conditioning or in homes with little fresh air.

Generally, people tend to look at the problem of obesity at a superficial level and may try restricting the diet, pills to aid weight loss, and at times, they try out even surgeries to control the weight. The deeper more emotional factors are not taken into account, and therefore it is easy to gain the weight back. Treating the causes found deep within will bring out an astonishing result.

The modern lifestyle could learn a few things from ancient cultures, which predominantly included fresh fruits and veggies with a good combination of grains. In addition to the healthier diet, the natural cleansing or fasting was an acknowledged food practice. We, in the so called contemporary world, have adapted to a lifestyle, where chemicals play a predominant role. They tend to build up in the body, and in turn become noxious as well as compound other existing problems in the body, leading to obesity, as well as other health issues.

The nutritional cleansing takes charge of helping the body to clean the toxicity from itself. Practice eating a healthy diet, which includes vegetables and fruits as well as lean protein, abundant water along with regular natural cleansing on a regular basis. Nutritional cleansing, unlike fasting, is not starving or not eating food for a specified period of time. It includes some special drinks which supplements the essential minerals and vitamins. The standard practice of nutritional cleansing gives great energy; completely cleanses the contamination in the body, as well as makes a vast renewal of the glow to your hair and skin. Furthermore, your craving for food is surprisingly reduced. When you follow the nutritional cleansing method to weight loss, it does not involve any dietary restrictions.