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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss - Lose Weight Safely

Healthy weight loss is the most important thing in losing pounds. Here are some ways to keep your weight loss programs healthy and make your life EASIER. Seriously listen up! If you want to stay healthy and not kill yourself while losing weight, take a few seconds to read this article. Losing weight will be so much easier!

Healthy Weight Loss

1. Make sure you don't skip meals; eat your food everyday.

One of the largest problems that people have is the thought of skipping meals. Healthy weight loss requires that you eat your breakfast (most important!) and all other meals. Breakfast should also have a significant amount of protein to fuel you for the rest of the day. Splurging here might just mean tons of energy later!

While breakfast is most important, make sure you also eat smaller meals afterward. NEVER save your big meals as dinner. The result is horrible: you gain weight like no other. Your big meal should be your breakfast, because you end up working it all out during the day. This sets you up for healthy weight loss and exercise.

I recommend 6 small meals rather than 3 large ones. Apples, crackers, bananas, granola bars, etc. all count as a meal when combined.

2. Don't worry about your day's weight.

As with many other things, you won't be losing weight every single day. Don't expect 1 pound to be gone in 3 hours. It just doesn't work like that. In addition, weighing yourself everyday is not healthy weight loss in terms of mental health. You end up losing your motivation to continue.

These two both provide you with better results. Healthy weight loss doesn't mean torture!

For More Related Topics Blog: Gluten Free Weight Loss

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